Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Well, it was ALMOST healed

Remember when I posted last time that I had hurt my knee and it was almost healed... Well, it was... almost. And then it got worse. More pain. And better. Then more pain.

An MRI later, and I found out why all the pain. Torn meniscus, torn ligament. Now I'm scheduled for the doc to take a look and smooth out all the rough places.

He's kind of like the Great Physician in that respect, don't you think? Smoothing out the rough spots... taking away some of the pain... trying to undo what we've done to ourselves.

In this place in time, I am learning to rely more. Not only on the Great Physician, on my knee physician, but on the friends who surround me. It's the only way we single moms can survive.

January was a lesson in leaning on something besides my own strength. Of leaning on a crutch. Of leaning on friends who saw I was leaning on a crutch, and decided to help out on their own, offer to help in any way.

I will need their help. God is helping me to appreciate health and wholeness, once again.