Friday, December 25, 2015

Not a Drop of Holiness Gone

Advent 2015
Luke 1:39-56
Not a drop of holiness gone

Sing: Holy Spirit you are welcome here, come flood this place and fill the atmosphere. Your glory, Lord is what our hearts long for, to be overcome by your presence, Lord. Your presence, Lord.

When I was about 15 years old and first learning to drive a car—and my car was just a year younger than me, a 1966 beige Plymouth Valiant, 6-speed, with only about 60,000 miles on it, and some of the hoses were still original—
One morning in the fall, it was foggy. And I pulled my lights on, the little metal rod on the dash. And I drove across town to high school, and parked in the parking lot. And at the end of the day, I went out and what do you suppose happened? My car wouldn’t start. No lights, no nothing.
And this was in the days before cell phones, so I had to go back into school, and use an office phone to call Mom and tell her I’d done something careless—left my car lights on, all day. And my dad was at work, out on some train between here and Dodge City. And mom had one of her beauty shop customers under the dryer, and another in the shampoo chair.
So she called our neighbor across the street, who was retired, Howard Grant. And he came to the high school parking lot with his car. He was not especially a fun, lighthearted fellow. He was usually pretty grouchy. But he came, and pulled his car up close to mine, and popped both car hoods, and started his car engine. And he put one end of a jumper cable like this on his car battery, and the other end to mine. And a second cable to his engine, and another to metal close to my battery, to ground the connection. At least that’s how I remember it.
And we waited awhile, and he revved his engine accelerator. (VROOM!) and then Howard said, okay, get in your car and try to start it. And it took awhile, me trying several times, because the battery was completely drained. But finally, I got in, and this time, it turned over. Started.
And Howard said, Now, keep it going. Don’t turn off your engine. And we stayed there, me in the driver’s seat, he overlooking things, and I probably revved the accelerator some.
And then, both cars still running, he carefully took one cable off our engines, and then the other, making sure the cables didn’t touch. Or there would be this spark, because there was still so much electricity, so much power, flowing through them.
And even though I was afraid my engine might die again, it didn’t, and Howard said, Now, don’t turn off your engine. Keep it going. Drive around for awhile, and don’t turn it off when you get home. Let it run awhile, until your battery is fully charged. And if you get up in the morning and need another charge, just call me. (I knew he probably didn’t want to get up out of bed to do this, but at least he offered.)
And I was so happy that Howard had come to rescue me, this gruff old neighbor man. He probably wasn’t that old, looking back; I was just that young, at the time. I think I was so relieved not to be stranded anymore that I threw my arms around him and gave him a big hug.


Do you remember last week, when I talked about the holiness of Jesus, and how the scribes of the Pharisees were concerned he would be made less holy because he was in the presence of a big group of known sinners, eating food that was unholy because they’d prepared it, bought it, cooked it, in unholy pots and pans, and served it on unholy tables, in unholy dishes?
They were worried because that’s what they believed would happen to them if they did the same thing. They’d also become unholy. And even people who’d been healed of something by Jesus, they were considered sinners by these same Jews, because if you’d been sick with something big and bad, that meant you were a sinner, because people who were holy weren’t born with a defect, had no need to be healed. We know that now to not be true, but’s what people believed in Jesus’ time. If you’d been healed of something by Jesus, you surely had been a sinner to have the need to be healed in the first place.
And we decided what, last week? That the holiness in Jesus was so powerful that it didn’t matter how many sinners touched him, it was never gonna take away any of his holiness. Amen??
In fact… in fact… his holiness was gonna do what? It was gonna rub off on the people he was around! Like a spark between two cars, connected by battery cables. BOOM! Jesus’ holiness was gonna spark something in other people. HIS holiness would become THEIR holiness.
And it began right there in Mary’s womb, before he was even born. Did you catch that, in the scripture today? All these people around him, we read in scripture, BOOM! Are suddenly filled with the Holy Spirit. Why? Because the Son of God was near! He is coming, and the holiness in him is so powerful that it sends a current of holiness through all these people—
Through Elizabeth, when she hears his mother Mary’s voice, and then the child in Elizabeth’s womb leaps with joy! John, not even born yet, is also filled with the Holy Spirit, as the angel  of the Lord, a holy messenger from God, told his father, Zechariah.
And Zechariah will be filled with the Holy Spirit as he speaks the prophecy about what his son John will do, in regards to the One who was to come. (Read v. 67-79)
There were all these sparks, these power surges of the Holy Spirit going on, all around, because this child, this baby was coming, and he is the Son of God, conceived by the Holy Spirit.
And John, when he becomes a young man, tells everyone he has come to baptize a baptism of repentance, but Jesus has come to baptize with what? With water and the Spirit. The Holy Spirit… and so do you see what happens? There are more sparks, more power surges, and Jesus physically brushes up against people, and they are HEALED. They are HEALED. Amen??
And not an ounce, not an OUNCE of his holiness is lost. He may feel it go out from him, as with the woman who had the bleeding problem, who couldn’t stop hemorrhaging, who reached out just to barely touch the hem of his robe. He felt something go out from him, but he didn’t LOSE any holiness. It goes OUT, and it makes OTHERS more holy. Do you see??
And it STILL does, even though his body is not physically here, because he LEFT us, he SENT us, his Holy Spirit… to continue to BE here with us all. And we only need to REACH OUT, and be CONNECTED with him, to awaken our souls, which once were dead as a doornail, as dead as my old Plymouth Valiant that had sat in the parking lot all day, with the lights on.
You see, Jesus pulls up ALONGSIDE US, and opens the hood on our heart, our little motor that purrs, and he connects himself to us. And after the awhile, the engines of our souls just begin to turn over, to finally start the way they were always meant to, because there was really no life there, before. And before long, something begins to spark, and our hearts are jumpstarted, why? Because our batteries are finally empowered and emboldened with the Holy Spirit.
We NEED NOT be afraid of losing the holiness that he has given us IF…. IF we have drawn sufficient power from him, and if we remain CLOSE to him, and ensure we have a constant, steady stream of power that flows from him, through us. And this enables us to sit among the worst of sinners, eat unholy food with them at unholy tables on unholy dishes… IF we have been fully charged by God’s Holy Spirit first, and REMAIN with him, in his Almighty Presence, and RETURN to him, time and time again, our spiritual batteries ALWAYS charged and ready to go. AMEN? Amen.

Let us pray. Lord, today we wish to receive the power of your Holy Spirit. Charge or recharge us, Lord, so we can take your holiness and share it with others. This is a POWERFUL thing, Lord. Not just in our imagination. And we cannot get it any other way, from any other source or person. Thanks for infusing us with your Spirit. Thanks for allowing us to take it and share it with others. It is so much of who you are that even as you were being conceived by the Holy Spirit, as you were growing in your mother’s womb, others around you were also being filled with the Holy Spirit. Help us not to forget that is so much a part of who you are, and you have given it to us, as well, if only we ask and trust and return to you, our ultimate power source. Amen.